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Drivers NVIDIA Data Center Driver 552.55 WHQL

Warning, this is an archived file. A newer version is avaible on the sheet of the brand NVIDIA.




Data Center Driver

Hardware category

Carte graphique

Operating systems

Windows Server 2022

File type



552.55 WHQL

Full version







479 MB



Publication date on


Publication date on NVIDIA website



Additional informations

Drivers Data Center Driver pour les cartes graphiques équipées d'un processeur graphique (GPU) NVIDIA.

Ces drivers répondent aux spécifications Microsoft DCH.

History of this version

  • Certification Microsoft WHQL.
  • Mise à jour du pilote graphique en version
  • Support des GPU RTX A400, RTX A1000 et RTX 2000E Ada Generation.
  • Correction de failles de sécurité.
  • Correction de nombreux problèmes.

Supported hardware

Tesla M Series Desktop (Maxwell 2.0)

  • Tesla M4
  • Tesla M6
  • Tesla M40 12 Go
  • Tesla M40 24 Go
  • Tesla M60

Tesla P Series Desktop (Pascal)

  • Tesla P4
  • Tesla P6
  • Tesla P40
  • Tesla P100 12 Go
  • Tesla P100 16 Go

HGX Series Server (Volta)

  • HGX-2

Tesla V Series Desktop (Volta)

  • Tesla V100 FHHL 16 Go
  • Tesla V100 PCIe 16 Go
  • Tesla V100 PCIe LS 16 Go
  • Tesla V100 PCIe 32 Go
  • Tesla V100 SXM2 16 Go
  • Tesla V100 SXM2 LS 16 Go
  • Tesla V100 SXM2 32 Go
  • Tesla V100 SXM2 LS 32 Go
  • Tesla V100 SXM3 H 32 Go
  • Tesla V100S PCIe 32 Go
  • Tesla PG500-216
  • Tesla PG503-216

Quadro Series Desktop (Turing)

  • Quadro RTX 4000
  • Quadro RTX 5000
  • Quadro RTX 6000
  • Quadro RTX 6000 Passive
  • Quadro RTX 8000
  • Quadro RTX 8000 Passive

T Series Desktop (Turing)

  • T400 2 Go
  • T400 4 Go
  • T400E
  • T600
  • T1000 4 Go
  • T1000 8 Go
  • Quadro T1000

Tesla T Series Desktop (Turing)

  • Tesla T4
  • Tesla T4G

A Series Desktop (Ampere)

  • A2
  • A10
  • A10G
  • A10M
  • A16
  • A30
  • A30X
  • A40
  • A100 PCIe 40 Go
  • A100 PCIe 40 Go Liquid Cooled
  • A100 PCIe 80 Go
  • A100 PCIe 80 Go Liquid Cooled
  • A100 PG509-200
  • A100 SXM 64 Go
  • A100 SXM4 40 Go
  • A100 SXM4 80 Go
  • A100X
  • A800 PCIe 40 Go
  • A800 PCIe 40 Go Active
  • A800 PCIe 80 Go
  • A800 PCIe 80 Go Liquid Cooled
  • A800 SXM4 80 Go

AX Series Server (Ampere)

  • AX800

HGX Series Server (Ampere)

  • HGX A100 40 Go
  • HGX A100 40 Go Liquid Cooled
  • HGX A100 80 Go
  • HGX A100 80 Go Liquid Cooled
  • HGX A800 80 Go

RTX Series Desktop (Ampere)

  • RTX A400
  • RTX A1000
  • RTX A2000 6 Go
  • RTX A2000 12 Go
  • RTX A4000
  • RTX A4000H
  • RTX A4500
  • RTX A5000
  • RTX A5500
  • RTX A6000

H Series Desktop (Hopper)

  • H20
  • H100 CNX 80 Go
  • H100 NVL
  • H100 PCIe 80 Go
  • H100 SXM5 64 Go
  • H100 SXM5 80 Go
  • H100 SXM5 96 Go
  • H800 NVL
  • H800 PCIe 80 Go
  • H800 SXM5 80 Go

HGX Series Server (Hopper)

  • HGX H100 64 Go
  • HGX H100 80 Go
  • HGX H100 96 Go
  • HGX H800 80 Go

GH Series Server (Grace Hopper)

  • GH200

L Series Desktop (Ada Lovelace)

  • L2
  • L4
  • L20
  • L40
  • L40G
  • L40S

RTX Series Desktop (Ada Lovelace)

  • RTX 2000 Ada Generation
  • RTX 2000E Ada Generation
  • RTX 4000 Ada Generation
  • RTX 4000 SFF Ada Generation
  • RTX 4500 Ada Generation
  • RTX 5000 Ada Generation
  • RTX 5880 Ada Generation
  • RTX 6000 Ada Generation

Remember to read the article about drivers update
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