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Accueil > Marques > UnderControl > Firmware Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4

Firmware UnderControl Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4




Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4

Hardware category

Manette de jeu

Operating systems

Windows 11
Windows 10 (32 bit, x86)
Windows 10 (64 bit, x64)
Windows 8.1 (32 bit, x86)
Windows 8.1 (64 bit, x64)
Windows 8 (32 bit, x86)
Windows 8 (64 bit, x64)
Windows 7 (32 bit, x86)
Windows 7 (64 bit, x64)

File type



Full version






2.4 MB



Publication date on


Publication date on UnderControl website



Additional informations

Firmware pour les manettes de jeu UnderControl.

History of this version

  • Mise à jour de l'application Firmware Update Tool en version 2.5.77.

Supported hardware

  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Blanche (1631)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage (1630)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage Jack (1636)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage Bleu Jack (1651)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage Night OP Gold Jack (1653)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage Urban Jack (1639)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage Urban Fire Jack (1654)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Camouflage Urban Snow Jack (1652)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Dark Silver Jack (1640)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Freeze Jack (1647)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Noire (1625)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Noire Jack (1638)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Rocket Ride Jack (1657)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Snownite Jack (1646)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Sunrise Jack (1641)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Urban Streety Jack (1655)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Zombie (1629)
  • Manette Bluetooth Compatible PS4 Zombie Jack (1637)

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