Application Lite-On SED PSID Reverter
Lite-On (Lite-On Technology)
SED PSID Reverter
Hardware category
Solid-State Drive (SSD)
Operating systems
Windows 10 (32 bit, x86) Windows 10 (64 bit, x64) Windows 8.1 (32 bit, x86) Windows 8.1 (64 bit, x64) Windows 8 (32 bit, x86) Windows 8 (64 bit, x64) Windows 7 (32 bit, x86) Windows 7 (64 bit, x64) Windows Vista (32 bit, x86) Windows Vista (64 bit, x64) Windows XP (32 bit, x86) Windows XP (64 bit, x64)
File type
Full version
Liteon SED PSID Reverter.rar
1.6 MB
Publication date on
Publication date on Lite-On website
Additional informations
Application SED PSID Reverter pour les Solid-State Drives (SSD) Lite-On.
Cette application permet de désactiver le chiffrement TCG Opal grâce à la clé PSID marquée sur l'étiquette du SSD. Ce logiciel est exclusivement destiné aux ordinateurs Dell.
Supported hardware
- L9G 256 Go (L8T-256L9G-41)
- L9M 128 Go (LMS-128L9M-41)
- L9M 256 Go (LMS-256L9M-41)
- L9M 256 Go (LMT-256L9M-41)
- L9M 512 Go (LMS-512L9M-41)
- L9S 128 Go (LCS-128L9S-41)
- L9S 256 Go (LCS-256L9S-41)
- L9S 512 Go (LCS-512L9S-41)
- M3M 64 Go (LMT-64M3M-41)
- M3M 128 Go (LMT-128M3M-41)
- M3M 256 Go (LMT-256M3M-41)
- M3S 64 Go (LCT-64M3S-41)
- M3S 128 Go (LCT-128M3S-41)
- M3S 256 Go (LCT-256M3S-41)
- M3S 512 Go (LCT-512M3S-41)
- M6M 64 Go (LMT-64M6M-41)
- M6M 128 Go (LMT-128M6M-41)
- M6M 256 Go (LMT-256M6M-41)
- N9S 60 Go (ECT-60N9S)
- N9S 120 Go (ECT-120N9S)
- N9S 480 Go (ECT-480N9S)
- N9S 960 Go (ECT-960N9S)
- N9S 1920 Go (ECT-1920N9S)
- NAS 100 Go (ECE-100NAS)
- NAS 200 Go (ECE-200NAS)
- NAS 400 Go (ECE-400NAS)
- NAS 800 Go (ECE-800NAS)
- V2G 256 Go (L8H-256V2G-41)
- V2S 256 Go (LCH-256V2S-41)
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